Teen & Young Adult Reader’s Advisory FormTeen & Young Adult Reader’s Advisory Name * Email * Book preference? * Young Adult Adult Grade Level? * Please describe the type of book you are looking for? * What books have you enjoyed in the past? * Tell us about a few books or authors you DID NOT enjoy. What didn’t you like about them? * What genre are you interested in reading right now? * Biography/Memoir Fantasy Science Fiction Science Fiction-Dystopian Horror Thriller/Suspense Realistic Fiction Graphic Novel Manga Historical Fiction Inspirational Mystery Romance Humor Nonfiction (please let us know what subject) If the genre you wanted to read isn’t listed above, please write which you are interested in below. * What are you looking for in a book? * Fast paced Adventure Lovable characters Heartwarming World building Character-driven Diversity Cultural Large cast of characters If your selection isn’t included above, please write it below. * Is there anything else you would like us to consider when recommending a book? Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.