The Homebound Services Program provides Middletown residents with the opportunity to access library resources when medical/physical limitations restrict their ability to visit the library. Each homebound resident will be paired with a “buddy” who has volunteered to deliver library materials to the resident and return the materials when they are due.
If you are interested in applying for this program, as a homebound resident, please fill out the application and survey below or call the library at 732-671-3700 ext. 317. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact 732-671-3700 ext. 318.

Application & Survey
To apply for the Home Bound Services Program at MTPL, please fill out the registration application and survey. This application will be reviewed, and a card will be issued to qualified applicants. The library will mail your library card to your home address or have it delivered by a volunteer.
For any questions, please call 732-671-3700 ext. 317.
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