Disaster Relief Information



  • 363.34





Image Collection (EBSCO)

  • The images within this database consist of a wide array of photos and maps, with an emphasis on world news and events. Other areas of coverage include contemporary and historical photos of people, places, and the natural kingdom.

MasterFILE Elite (EBSCO)

  • MasterFILE Elite provides full-text magazines and reference books covering many subject areas including business, health, education, general science and multicultural issues. It also includes an extensive image collection.

Newspaper Source Plus (Ebsco)

  • Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers and newswires and offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.

Newswires (EBSCO)

  • The Associated Press Newswire (formerly AP NewsMonitor collection) is a full-text database that contains harvested news from the Associated Press.


  • ScienceDirect is an open-source website that has free journals with various topics including medicine, healthcare, biochemical research that are available to anyone to share and view.



CDC- Mental Health

Claim for Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed United States Savings Bonds- Form 1048

Division of Unemployment Insurance

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Government Disaster Assistance

JCP&L Power Outage Map

IRS Request for Copy of Tax Return Form

Middletown Patch

Middletown Township Alerts & Notifications

Monmouth County SPCA

Motor Vehicle Insurers in New Jersey

N-565, Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document

NJ Dept of Health Vital Statistics

NJ Division of Consumer Affairs

NJ Office of Emergency Management

Replace Social Security Card

Standard Form 180 – Request Pertaining to Military Records

United States Passports


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