In 2018, our volunteers spent almost 3,400 hours of their own time serving the library and the Friends of the Library have raised over $46,000 to support library programs. By helping us, our volunteers are ultimately supporting their own community – their neighbors, their colleagues, and their friends – by helping to provide a welcoming destination for educational and social opportunities at the Middletown Township Public Library.
Volunteers are always welcomed at our library! It’s a great way to become involved in the community. Please fill out the volunteer application and bring it to the library next time you visit. The staff will have a few questions to find the right placement for you and training will be arranged.
MTPL is looking for enthusiastic volunteers for our Homebound Services Program. Volunteers will deliver pre-selected materials to the resident and will be responsible for returning items by their due date. For more information on the Homebound Program, please click here.
Please note: if you are a teen and you wish to volunteer, you must fill out a separate form. Go to the Teen Volunteer page for more information or e-mail Teen Librarian Melissa for any questions at
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
What does an adult volunteer do?
An adult volunteer at MTPL helps with shelving books, assisting with program set-ups, working in technical processing (placing barcodes on books, etc.)
How can I apply to be a volunteer?
If you wish to volunteer, please fill out the application and contract and give it to a staff member at the Circulation Desk. Any incomplete application will not be considered.
Are there any rules or regulations to being an Adult Volunteer at MTPL?
For more information on volunteering, please visit our FAQ page here.
For additional questions, please contact Annie Sansevere at 732-671-3700 ext. 318